timing of calling the psychiatrist
Scheepers, however, questioned the timing of calling the psychiatrist
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saying this type of evidence is normally tendered when a trial progresses to sentencing proceedings
Dr. Eugene Viljoen, a clinical psychologist who has testified in several court cases and has extensive knowledge of GAD
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said he is not surprised that Pistorius has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but that it does not mean he had it at the time of the shooting
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"Everything that has happened [to Pistorius] since the shooting, having to testify, being arrested, listening to the evidence - all of this would have caused GAD
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In fact, it would have been abnormal if Mr. Pistorius did not develop GAD as a result of everything he's been through," Viljoen said. "One cannot say unequivocally he was suffering from the condition at the time of the incident as he was not evaluated for it and was not receiving treatment for it
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